Lets do an old fashioned Blockpuzzle
Opening thoughts:Sometimes I think I might over emphasises the visual neccesity of brightly coloured rooms to break up the usual grey monotemy of our own borng existance, because it isn't just colour that breaks this up, it requires interesting puzzles changing and shaping rooms in new and interesting ways that will remain memorable to anyone who plays it. With that worked out, lets dive into BlockPuzzle
Visual: As the clever ones amongst you may have diserned this puzzle game is all about running from boxes of a different thiem, and once again we are back to the base elements, with a fie room, water room and a sand room all turning up for their usual duty, and yes they do add the colour most games are missing they fail to add any truely inventive spark and really just serve to explain the 'Complete the Monument" style ending, and speaking of the ending while it was nice to get the little art sections as a reward could they possibly put somewhere we won't see the bare bones of the map. In short while the differenciating colour and style is appreciated, it could have served better if a few rooms really shook up the style.
Challenge:The challenge here is fairly solid, there is enough challenge to each puzzle that you'll be required to take a fair number of runs at a few of them, the highligh for me was the maze which proved totally disorientating but never got impossible because of a clever system involving spiders.
Length:As usual a deccent challenge will go hand in hand with a good length, and this the same here, with most secions taking only as long as needed. There are two sections that kind of mess the lengthe, the first is a section of diamond corridor that is a really obvious use of spacial padding that either needed a Puzzle or trimming. The other is the second lava section and while it does warn you of your inevitable death, it doesn't give you a chance to checkpoint so the warning is useless.
Puzzle Variety:The puzzles are vary varied and fun, making for an interesting map. I particualrily enjoyed the iron bar lava level. BUT (and this is a deccent sized but) there is one type of puzzle here that (whilst being well built) is the most annoying type that I hope we can agree to get rid of in maps, that is what I'd like to call the 'Wallaby Way Sydney'Puzzle. Basicly a Wallaby way is a puzzle where you are required something abitary so that you can pull a lever later for it. The problem is that you're busy playing a game, yes it is posssible you'll remember it or you've been writing it down and if you haven't (either becuase you think your memory is better than paper, or the gme doesn't tell you they are important) then you are going to be back tracking past the lava mosnteres once more. It may just be me who thinks these puzzles are less chllenging and more just scolding people who ddin't think to write every detail in the room down in their journal... But yes aside from that gripe the puzzles were fun.
Things that need Improvment:- The Level design could use something to distinguish it from the pack of puzzle maps.
- Some of the challenges could use to be a bit less obnoxious.
Things that need No-Improvement:- The pace of the levels
- The final art in the art garden.
Final Thoughts:
To get back on to the correct train of thought, this map is a good deal of fun and could take on most of the puzzle maps out there, but it is really just another puzzle map that you will probably play and forget. If it can get some way to distinguish its self from the rest of the pack, then It would probably be in my top 3.
Percentage Score: 75%
Link: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/704810-puzzle-181-blockpuzzle/
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