Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Jdub386 - The Wonambi Tomb

Put your hat on Indiana, we're heading into The Wonambi Tomb

Opening Thoughts:
You know something I wish more people would ask me? Hey Relin what would I have to do to get a [10/10] for visuals, first thing I would say is that I personally don't believe in perfect scores because no map will be perfect in everyones eyes, but the second thing I would say is, but if you have a nice variation of colour, style and design then I would be more than happy to award a 9.5. But, and here in lies the rub readers, if you were to also have a setpiece for your map then I would happily go to 9.75. And then I would hope the next question would be what is a set piece? Well a set piece is a singe building or object that I can look at and remember as wow, remember in that map when I saw X thing. But for a time I have only had the Moon's massive lava sun to point at as an example of this. But now I have The Wonambi Tomb's Golden item (no I'm not giving it away) too point at. Or I will once the game fixs a few issues.

Visual:The opening has probably given away that I'm enjoed the visuals, and I truely did. As an adventure map it isn't required that the visuals are interesting and differet, but this map goes above and beyond the call of duty in that regard. With a generally normal starting location we are soon sent through mines, over land and up towers, all of it really well done and topped off with the set piece I earlier alluded too, If I had to say one thing, and I do as the nit-picky bastard I am, it would be the that the set piece that I love so much... kind of comes out of no where and could use some sort of explanation or relevance to make it perfect. All in all I would say the visuals are the crowning Jewel in this map.

Challenge:The small puzzle sections in this map, are not going to be much of a challenge to anyone who has finshed any parkour map. Again the challenge isn't supposed to be that mammoth when we come for the story, but you still need to make your puzzle sections somewhat difficult or else there is no point in them being there.

Length:The length feels just fine, if anything it feels a tad short, but with an improvement on the puzzles this should sort its self out.

Story:As I said in the visual section, the visuals are the crowning jewel of this whoe map. The problem is that this is a story map and should be shining in both departments. In truth the story is rather lacking, with no clear goal, villain or ending we are sort of left dangling in the wind by the whole thing. To the creators I would HIGHLY recommend getting someone to review the whole lot for them, and also add some sort of true ending, where we get a kind of resolution, not explaining whats been going on at all isn't going to win you any fans.

Thing That Need Improvement:- Story
- The starting are is in the middle or no where. If you want the player to come at the first area from a distance then start them next to a boat with a map or something.
- The first point when you are searchig for a minecart is stupidly difficult to get to, you can add that area as a garden or something just so we have some sort of direction
- alot of your minerfat starters (where you press the button to go) don't work, they need to begin on a slope so the cart will move.
- Puzzle challenge

Things That Need No-Imporvement- Visuals
- The Set Piece especally

Final Thoughts:I really want to see this map improved, it is a beautiful thing and a map that really shines as an example of what dedication to building can get you when combined with a story. But the story and puzzle challenge needs some serious work. I say give it a whirl once these issues are fixed, because the look and fun is toatally worth it.

Percentage Score: 67%
Link:  http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/710211-adv-the-wonambi-tomb-v11-18119-pre4/

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