Tuesday 18 October 2011

OrcMaster419 - The Cure

Is this a map adiction? Perhaps or perhaps this is The Cure

Opening Thoughts:
You would think that a game like minecraft would lend its self to alot of sandboxy games, what with it's massive sprawling world and ability to build anywhere, you would think it'd be easy. But more often then not opening up the large expanse around us just leads to players getting lost and to do it right is really difficult.. but not impossible.

The Visuals in this map are effective, the open nature of the map allows for us to spend alot of time above ground with the greens, blues and browns of the and, whilst the buildings contrast with their greys and pine coloured wood. The buildings themselves are also very well made, giving off the notion of small town settlements whlst remaining interestng to explore. That being said there isn't really any part of this map that made my socks fly off in moments of gawked joy. So whilst this is more than average, it isn't anything amazingly special.

I was kind of hesitant to keep this in because the majority of this map is just walking through the various towns. However later on when you go to destry the temple icon, the game does suddenly jump halfway up a difficulty curve and refuses to come down until you destroy the 'zombie creator'. To be fair most of those puzzles never become so difficult that I wanted to stop playing, but some do get too finicky.

It's an open world map you can spend half a day exploring, but it is also possible to speed through fast and just reach the end, so the length works.

I kind of hesitate to all this a story as it seems like more of a framework. But the moments when we get away from simple wall words and get right down into a note or a survivors final words is when I got rather intrigued. I also found myself laughing when I got to the end and found that the thing crateing the zombies as the nefarious cake.

Puzzle Variety:
As I said, the temple is the only real party were you are likely to be challenged, but the puzzles in there are excellent. I especially loved the water temple which was challenging but rewarded creative thinking. However puzzles like the obsidian maze were just obnoxious and difficult to navigate, I know that is usually a point in a mazes favour (saying it is hard) but this is really too hard.

Things That Need Improvement:
- Obsdian Maze
- Balencing the challenge of the zombies
Things That Neeed No-Improvement:
- The buildings
- Most challenges
- The open-worldyness

Final Thoughts:
This map is a ton of fun and I highly recommend it if you like hunting aroud for items in an open world for hours, and even if you just want a liniaer map, this will still work for you as it's design is tight enough that you will be able to get riht through it without getting lost.

Percentage Score: 70%
Link:  http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/593271-advthe-cure-v21-update-added-walk-through-350-downloads/

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