Tuesday, 18 October 2011

MAPOPA - The Institution

After finally realising my state of mind, they sent me to The Institution

Opening Thoughts:Is everyone insane in Minecraft? As a way to tell a story involving sureal buildings nd puzzle sections the justification of being 2 bannanas short of an elephant is an easy one to use. Inevitably that means that we can see tons of maps set inside an institution for the medically insane and as such making an interesting and new take on being inside a hospital is increasingly difficult. But, as this map proves, it can be done.

Visuals:Look if you know this map you can guess what I' going to say here, the visuals are marred by the lack of colour an imagery. BUT what you didn;t think I would be saying is that I did enjoy the way the rooms curved and changed around each other to mae the whole place self sufficient without spacial padding. yes that is more o a design thing, but picturing how it all fits together in your mind is part of the fun.

Challenge:As some of ou may know when I first attempted this map I stated:
MAPOPA I spent about 20 minutes tryig to make head or tail of your map, but I have no idea what is going on. Can you let me in on what I' supposed to do?

But after another playthough and a THOROUGH reading of the rules I managed to muddle my way through 2 of the possible endings. Bt is this kind of challenge good, where missing one point can result in the person plaing throwing up their hands in a motion akin to bugger it? Well if you like turing over every square inch of a room than go nuts, but for those who like some sense of liniarity then you may be in for some trouble.

Length:As I said in the challenge section, this map can be unforgiving if you miss just one chest or portion of the map, so the length can vary based on your play through. But what can say regardeless of your efficientcy, you will be forced to float up toilets and walk down the same corridors multiple times if you have any interest in getting anyone of the endings, which does tend on the tedious side of the lengthy road.

Story:So the backstory behind this insane asylum story is one that will set off your 'inspiration' meter. you are insane (DING) and in a mental asyum (DING), an evil doctor (DING) is holding you against your will (DING) so you must escape (DING) without heading through a psychodelic trip of colourful puzzles and location (BEW). So it is the makers decision to treat the location as 'video game realistic' that makes this interesting. There are no tedious puzzles to distrat us there is only escaping. The other unique element is the multiple ending, yes depending on what you chose to do, you can can end up in a variety of different exits (For exmaple the two times I went through it I ended up in a forest cabin and a hole respectivly) which emphasises replay value. The only problem with these decisions is that the plot really hass to take a back set, never fleshing out the initial premise and prett much ignoring it for most of the game.

Things That Need Improvement:- The Unforgiving nature of missing one thing
- A bit of colour

Things That Need No-Improvement:- The Design of the facility
- The endings

Final Thoughts:In the end this map handles its core idea well, offering multiple pathways and a few puzzles to the person willing to replay, and to be honest you probably will replay this map, if for nothing else than just to see what other endings there might be. That being said it does lack some variety in the asthetic and it is fairly linear with its solutions to problems. One last thing I want to talk about is the comedy elements... all I want to say is that at ties they made me chckle and other times I just didn't get the joke. Still this map was fun and original enough to get me to replay it so check it out.

Percentage Score:69%

Link:  http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/698694-advpuzzle-%e2%9d%96-the-institution-%e2%9d%96-181/

Review Retrospective

Last time:Well last time I looked at this map I said that this map was an interesting concept that was well thought out, but it lacked enough sense of diretion to keep you coming back to find the new exits as well as the uniformity of colour.

- Intrigue:
This new version has improved in probably the best way, it now feels like you cen see enough new options everytime you play the map, to want to jump back in and give the map another go. This is probably the most important thing for the map as it's hook is the fact that it has multiple endings and before hand when we weren't usually running into other options, now it seesm to direct us in enough ways that you will want to go back over it.

Things that Still Need Improvement:
- Colour:
The colours in this map are still far too uniform and sort of just flow together.

Final Thoughts:The flaws with the original weren't many, but they were important. here we have one of the two main ones fixed and it certainly makes the map better, but I would still recommend working on that colour scheme because the a single colour (and especially iron) just melts together into a mess.

New Percentage Score:82%

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