Tuesday, 18 October 2011

VKRxbetterthanyou - Escape from Room 234

This is where I started to get locked down by requests, as I led the Escape from Room 234

Opening thought:
Before I start with my critique, let me say that I can see the effort that went into making this and that thee is a fair level of thought that went into the layout... that being said, thought and effort alone really don't save this map.

As I may have made abundently clear in my Facility map review I ersonally like a map that offers some visual variety to distingush betwen room, and whilst this map does have rooms of lava and open ceelings to change from the monotemy of iron rooms. HOWEVER, whilst it is good to to break up the bland smear of colors, it must also make sense. Why are there lava pits in a hospital? Why has the roof been seemingly blown off in some areas? Is it hospital regulation to have so many pistons lying around? This map really needs a better design to optimise the setting whilst still adding the spice of variety

There was very little chellange to this map, yes there were occasions where zombies showed up and tried to eat my brain, but those were few and far between and could usually be solved by running really fast. The only real challenge was in the lava puzzles, which whilst hard is a tad out of place and rather obnoxious when the map touts that is a zombie map

This game is uforgivably short, it fails to have any sort of arc with it's characters and the puzzles are short and easy to solve

Look, when I play maps on Minecraft I don't expect a vast and complexe plot. What I do expect is that if you chose to have a plot you not only spell-check (Yes I know how hypocritical that is) but also make sure your plot makes sense. From what I could gather the story is about a guy who is being led through an infected hospital by his two friends. But halfway through one of the friends gets taken by zombies? but then they don't? I don't know this is where it lost me. To be honest this map doesn't need so much of a story, yes if it was cleaned up and made a tad more sense then it could be here, but for a game that is supposed to be about zombie survival you really only need the ocassional note to tell the player which way to go.

Puzzle Variety:
In this game there are 2 types of puzzles, and I'm going to deconstruct both:
You may have already guessed, but whilst these are the better puzzle, they are really really out of place here. Why are there lava flows in your hospital? If you want to do jump puzzles, then I would suggest you change the story to be about demonic creatures from hell, and that those rooms were full wards that are now partiially destoryed. As an actual puzzle this works well, it is challenging without being impossible. Although I would sugesst that you don't give the player a dimond sword to fight the monster with, right before a lava jump puzzle.

Because yes this wouldn't be much of a zombie game if it didn't have zombies now would it? Truthfully though these zombie encounters are few and far between. These are the things we came to play, and not only are there only 3 times they attack you, the last time is a suposed to lose battle, so it's pretty much pointless.

Things That Need Improvement:- Map design
- Zombie Spawning
- Story
- If I die in the first lava jump, I found myself teleported back to the start, with no wa to climb up that vent, since the cobblestone break and are unusable.

Things That Neeed No-Improvement:- The room with zombies

Final Thoughts:Again I can see the idea here, hidden behind the faults. But it is going to need some serious repairs before I ould give a recommend.

Percentage Score:

Link:  http://www.minecraft...scape-room-234/

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