Lets look at my first, this is Escape the Puzzlemaster
Opening thoughts:
I have an admission to make, Escape the Puzzlemaster 1.2 was the first puzzle map I played. The first map the introduced me to the evils of the creator, the notion of jumping and the possiblities of puzzles, and also how effective lava could be. But was it through this map that I learnt to cherish the challenge of a puzzle, or was it the map that first drove me to cheating?
The visuals in this map make a good use of blending colour and style to make each room look unique. The map also goes some way to moving past the usual rigmaroll of having you go through rooms that are all some variation of a square with its section set within a climbing hexagonal tower. That said it does lack a real effective wow moment of something creatve, and yes you can argue that that is unecessary, but it stil works to make your map unique and interesting.
Challenge:For me this map was surprisingly ... middlish? Basically I could not call this hard, I may have fallen off blocks or gotten lost in the maze once... maybe twice. So it could have probably benifitted from a few harder puzzles.
Length:Nothing about this map feels so tight that you could bounce a penny off its pecks. I fact the only time the flow feels seriously broken is when you re forced to stop and fish.
Puzzle Variety:
This map is one of those maps where the creators seem to have sat down and brainstormed as many puzzles as humanly possible, and they all work really well, providing enough fun and challenge to keep you moving through them... although I would say that it does repeat on occassion, such as the neumerous jumping puzzles that seem all very similar. However they all remain fun, so The game doesn't lose to many points for it.
Things That Need Improvement:
- More challenging Puzzles
Things That Neeed No-Improvement:
- Visual Asthetic
- Types of Puzzles
Final Thoughts:As I said this game was the first Puzzle map I ever played.. and you can see why I still enjoy running though them today. I really do recommend this map as a great way to get your friends into Puzzle maps because, despite its few flaws, it is still a ton of fun.
Percentage Score: 83%
Link: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/604082-18119-prepuz-escape-the-puzzlemaster-26000-downloads-vote-on-the-donate-poll/
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