Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Micrope & the_trademark - The Devil's Lunchbreak

Psst, if you want to escape you beter do it now becaue its The Devils Lunchbreak

Opening Thought:Hell is a really under utilised setting in Minecraft, and it really is quite supprising. I mean ever since Notch added the Nether you would have expected to see maps set in there popping up everywhere but no one really does it. Personally I blame this on our inability to spawn in there so people would just rather send you in there for a visit because some evil scientist/rouge god/death cult/ex-girlfriend has an excuse for you to go. But how ccould we do a map set souly in hell?? Well lets take a look.

Visual:Only greys and reds to be found here. But where as before I have made massive marks off puzzle maps for this offence, this map deserves a bit more kindness. Every room has a specific design and worked with the type of puzzle that is created there and to be honest colurs like black and grey only turn up from time to time and they work well to break up the monotemous red. So yes the map has a limited colour palet but their design and planning makes up for it.

Challenge:This map is a decent challenge despite it never getting too difficult, but unlike other maps where the lak of challenge feels insulting, here it just feels like you've worked it out. With mazes and number puzzles you will find new and different challenges to tickle your grey matter.

Length:Despite a few areas of spacial padding I really enjoyed the lenght of this map, it does tend on the long side but it is so crammed with puzzles that it never stops being fun. Even at the end when you are forced too do a different version of every puzzle type you will still enjoy it just for the new take it offers.

Story:As usual with Puzzles I'm not going to include this for points mostly because whilst it is fun there isn't much to it, never going past the antagonist being smug stage. But you know what? It does the smug antagonist really well! With a devil who seems to view you as a rat in a maze the map creators have a lot of fun taunting the player with escape whislt being a true embodiment of bored evil. Again no points, but all the signs were a treat.

Puzzle Variety:There were arounf 7 different types of puzzles that you pushed through and each of them was a ball and a half. they took the usual idea of the difficulty puzzle change (as in you first get a puzzle that is easy and then later a repeat that is medium and the near then end you see it again as hard). This map doesn't bother to drag it out it just gives it too ou straigh meaning that even if you don't enjoy a puzzle you will be past it soon and not have to groan when it rocks up again.

Things That Need Improvement:- I want to say that a couple of the long corridors could use a trim... but I understand if you don't really want to

Things That Need No-Improvement:- EVERYTHING ELSE!

Final Thoughts:You know how people say that it was as fun as a barrel of monkeys? Okay now imagine 2 barrels of money, a non-creepy clown and a swimming pool of ice-cream and you'l have a massive mess. But If you want some fun instead I would highly recommend this map because it is one that I've really enjoyed.

Percentage Score: 90%

Link:  http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/615524-advthe-devils-lunch-break/

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