Sit down, kick your shoes off and enjoy the Eronev Mansion Adventure
Opening thought:A while ago when I was struggling with how to do a review of Wileynator's Minecraft Town I had written up part of an opening that suggested that larrge and expansive worlds are somewhat flawed because players aren't going to want to spend hours walking the game world... I think this map may have proved me wrong... lets see.
Visual:The views on this map are something different, most maps I do revolve around buildings and strngish imagery. This map, by comparrison, seems to be centred around the terain, every different section within in the map has been sculpted within an inch of their lives, in a good way. The colours of woods, sand and snow are niceley varied over the areas. It would also be very remiss of me to point out the endings, right here and now I am going to start with some spoilers, if you don't want to know then go to the Final Thoughts now. Now I've spoken before about a center piece that can truely make a mp, and here it takes the form of multiple endings with each of them having a fully recreated version of your starting area, in differing stages of hellish possesion, it is really impressive when you consider the smallish area that the creator is working within.
Challenge:This map is mostly adventure, but alot of the next natural steps require some serious thought on how to proceed. But when puzzles do show up they work well in slowly building their way from simple jumps through trees to truley difficult jumps in mid-air.
Length:As I said in this opening this map is really long, and it took me forever to get to the end... but I did get to then end, the map made me want to keep playing because of the way it is all conneted, the extra challenges of hunting gold and bedrock in the overworld is made fun by the continued upgrading of your tools to access new areas. And whats even more supprising s when you finally make it to the end you might want to keep playing! The irst time I got the average eding because I missed one rescue and as such I went back and spent another hour messing around just to reach the full end.
Story:I've played through 3 endings and can honestly say at this point that I have never seen a map so ambigious in its plot, from what I am sure you are returning to your home village only to find an old frined of some description who may or may not be evil and he is kidnapping villigers, but because you're a great guy you try to help and screw everything up. The whole lot is a tad unclear in its inception but one you get into the thing it begins to make a lot more sense, however not in its entirity and this is the part that I persoanlly enjoyed, having the ability to draw your own interpretation of a story adds to its personal and engrossing nature.
Redstone:Yep Im once more dragging out an 'other' category, not to add to the score but to give some serious props for some brilliant work. I can't even descibe how well the redstone works within its self, but let me give you one example. As you run around looking for a way down a tower, once you work it out you walk a bit more only to end up where you began, confsed you alk abck to your 'quest giver' only todiscover you've opened up a new way somehow? This is probably the simpleit redsone use but it really is awesome. (If you want more information on how to make some of the fantastic redstoe creations then go here:
or here:
Things that need Improvement:- ... Make it clearer that you need to visit the man at the top of the mansion after the garden?? Thats all I've got.
Things that need No-Improvement:- EVERYTHING ELSE
Final Thoughts:As you may have gatthered I really enjoyed and was really impressed by this map, it does so well in not oly making a good looking and engrossing map, but it also has so many new and interesting ideas. This ends up tieing for my favourite map so as you may expect I suggest everyone who enjoys adventure maps and intriguing new ideas play this one, because it is brilliant!
Percentage Score: 95%
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