Wednesday 19 October 2011

Dochavoc - Punishment: Parkour

Coming to a Cinema near you Punishment: Parkour

Opening Thoughts:You know it was a smart man who once said that it was the standard mafia story to be a character being coerced into the mob by the money, women or fast cars rght up unti something terrible happens and then they will realise CRIME DOES NOT PAY! and result in some sort of redemption, and it really makes you wonder what these characters thought they were getting ito did they not expect to be used an abused by a group of people who regard you as little more than a knat? I mean even in this where you first find yourself as having been captured by the mob and about to be subjected to spazams of torture, you have to think the character saw this coming... then again it would be pretty hard to forsee yourself being thrown into another dimension by mobsters so you can complete parkour challenges for their amusement... or maybe thats just how the mafia really does work..

Visual:This game has gone down the fun route and attempts to make every level interesting and different, using different colours and block styles to add a sense of fun to each puzzle. However the issue with the visuals is the over all setting, hell isn't a very interesting place and looks really out of place when ompared with the colourful and different puzzle sections. I don't know if I would recommend a concept overhaul, but if you ould work to hide the fact that you are in hell then it could be an interesting twist ending, rather than this bizzare framing device.

Challenge:The challenge in this game is well balanced, never getting unreasonably difficult and having anough checkpoints in its challenges to make you want to keep retrying, BUT (and this is an important but) the game isn't hell or even punishent, so for a map that bases itself around being the ultimate challenge it really feels like a let down when there isn't more challenge to it.

Length:It's a starnge thing with this game, after the first 5 rooms you are optioned with a good ending or a normal ending, thats where I nearly got annoyed. 5 rooms? Thats only long nough for a lunchbreak not a real map, but then I went for the good ending and the map just kept going through another whole bunch of puzzle rooms, so what was the point of telling me I'd reached the end? In the end the game was a respectable lengh, but it's path to getting there just seemed to confuse me.

Puzzle Variety:Look map creators just because you call your map parkour does not mean you can keep remaking the same puzzle over and over in your map. I've gone on record in these reviews saying that I understand why parkour maps puzzles feel similar, but that doesn't give you free reign to not give us something in each puzzle, almost everyone of these maps are either you jumping along a wall with some ladders and blocks OR free jumping along a set path in the middle of the room, there are a few different feeling ones, but not really enough to save the map and by the time I got to that sign that tried to convice me it wa the ending I was growing tired of the whole thing. What the map need is some different puzzles, suh as timed jumping or a free roaming jumping section where ou have to pull levers, just something so that I'm kept interested and it at least some what breaks up the monotemy.

Things that need Improvement:- Puzzle Variety
- Difficulty more difficult
- Framing Story

Things that need No-Improvement:- Visual design
- Overall length

Final thoughts:Lets put our mind back to the mafia framing device I put to you at the start of this review, now thin of the rest of the review... did you ever connect those two things? I'm not saying your puzzle focused map has to have an indepth story but at least have it make sense. The rest, as I've said, turns into some what of a monotemy, feeling like your redoing the same puzzles over and over. If you really like doing this kind of map and aren't mared by rejumping wat feels like the same maps, then this is for you but otherwise there are maps with a greater variety and tone to them. To the creator I hope that you go back and look at revitalising this map with a greater range of puzzles because the style is really good but not enough to save the map.

Perentage Score: 70%


Review Retrospective

Last time:Well last time I looked at this map I said that this map was a very visually striking one that suffered from the over arching story not matching up with the style and the puzzles not being as hard as they thought they were.

Improvements:- Visuals:
I said they were good before but here it gets even better, the themes for each of the area have begun to become even more outlandish but they still work.
- Difficulty:
It has definently gotten more towards it's claims of punishment and make me realise how the early areas are just a taster. I can't give ths area top marks though since it isn't yet finished, but if it continues on this trend then it shall be a very hard map indeed.

Things that Still Need Improvement:- Framing Story:
I'm sorry but it still makes no sense, why is the Mafia here? If you want a sugestion for this, then just make the story be you were sleeping when you awoke in a brick room with a portal at the end and then it can just be the Devils TV show course (If interested let me know and I'll sketch it out a bit more).

Final Thoughts:This map is a nice improveent on the last, it isn't quite finished yet but it's getting there. At the moment I recommend a play fo the fun, but keep an ee out for the finished version.

New Percentage Score: 75%

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