Tuesday 18 October 2011

96nazizombies- The Facility

Here is the first map I ever Reviewed, The Facility:

Opening Thoughts:
To me this map is like an unpolished diamond, whilst I can't say it is a classic, there are true glimpses of good ideas, hidden behind a few glaring issues. With that said lets dive straight in.

Visuals: When you begin the map you wake up in a bedrock room, and you will need to enjoy it because that is all you will see as the ame goes on. I realise that this whole map revolves around being in a prison and it does do a job of conveying that, the lack of visual flair for different loctaions does make the rooms sort of blend together. As well as that the choice of bedrock usually makes the screen filled with the flakey run off of the walls, and it gets really annoying after the first two rooms.

The challenge in this map lies more in its length as to whether you can keep plowing on. The puzzles on the other hand are less of a challenge, while initilly they can require a fair ammount of thought, they all soon begin to repeate and lose their edge.

As I said before this map is LONG, and for the most art it deserves it's length, with the run time and puzzle difficulty acculinating the most time. However when the levels begin to repeat it does start to feel padded and elongated. So a bit of a trim might make it feel better set.

Story: I'm not going to score this because it is pretty much non-existant, there is a famework but not really a story. But here it works, and as such iit isn't something that needs critique.

Puzzle Variety: Before I go into the puzzle issues (which are spoilered below) I just want to say that I did enjoy most of the rooms, such as the 2 lava challenges, the 'many levered room' and the fishing challenge, they worked well and provided a nice change up for the other more repetative challenges. And with that omminious name for them, lets look at the challenges that need some work:

The Fighting Challenges: In the game there are a number of times you are called upon to enter rooms and fight your way through mobs, so that you might reach the door. Whilst the first two times I run through these challenges I found them tense, fun and difficult, by the time I was running through the third one, all the fun had been sucked out as I ut ran long th wall looking for the door. What I would suggest is that in the later versions of this puzzle, you either put the door somewhere in the centre so the wall running won't work, or turn it into a maze, so people are more likely to be forced to fight monsters.

The Lever Challenge: Okay this this one you have a question and are given a choice of 3 or 4 different levers coresponding to different answers, you have to chose the correct answer to progress. The problem with this puzzle is that there is no way to fail, since pulling an incorrect lever only results in nothing happening and as a result there isn't really any challenge to it. What I would suggest is that you rig the incorrect answer to blow up the room and send the person back to the checkpoint, making it more of a challenge.


Things That Need Improvement:- Puzzles Indicated (either by altering them or removing them)
- Visual Variety
- The use of so much bedrock did cause the frame rate to chug a bit, so I would suggest swapping it to cobblestone or something similar

Things That Neeed No-Improvement:- Majority of the Puzzles
- Framework

Final Thoughts:At the moment that game is fun and good to play, but in the centre it does become a bit of a grind. Don't take this as a bad stamp, because despite the fact it is unpolished it could still be a diamond. But I might suggest waiting for the next update.

Percentage Score: 54%
Link:   http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/461267-the-facility-puzzle-map/

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