Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Yokcos700 - The Legend of Ihir

Donning Balls of steel, lets head into The Legend of Ihir

Opening Thoughts:There is a problem tha have plauged puzzle games ever since the creation of the Nether, in that we now have enough blocks to create sphers/cubes/dodechedrons of the differnt elements. BUT we don't have enought to change it up and keep it interetsing, you cn be assured that there will be a lava world, a water world and most likely a sand world. I mean if onl there was a map that had lands like... Colourlad or Bookland or even Musicland. Well folks my prayers about that ind of map (Not my prayers about a cyberneti-puppy) have been heard.

Visuals:So as the smart ones among you may have guessed this map has alot of the visual differenciation that I usually hold in such high esteem, with its different spheres and views. The best way to describe the visuals at the start hen you fly along in a minecart past all these shperes form the outside, trying to take them in as detector pads shoot tnt into the air like fireworks. That said this sequence also highlights one of my main issues with the map. The world around you is all open, and as I ride alog or am walking along I can at any time look out of my area and see the sprawling minecraft world beyond. The problem here is that it breaks up the sense of immersion I may have had going from room too room. As well as that the aim of the game is t escape... not to be too much of an ass, but if everything is open then all I have to do to escape is to walk off.

Challenge: Okay so maybe the aim of the game isn't to escape maybe it is to complete puzzles... if that is the case then I suggest that the creator goes back and tries to put some challenge into his tasks, because the game took me 40 minutes and I only died once and that was because I stood in some fire. Im not saying all games have to be insta-death mania, but when I'm in giant orbs hundreds of blocks high, I kind of expect some death will be forthcomming.

Length:As I said this game took me 40 minues, which is't so bad for a puzzle game, it makes it feel nice and snacky to push through, and I did have fun don't mistake that. In terms of length it is functional but it does tend to fall down into tedium when you are made to obnoxiouly search an entire sphere for a single lever to get out.

Once again we've got a framework here rather than a story, you've got ammnesia (which is really so cliched I mean who maes games like that these day {http://www.minecraft...ntry9008912}... aahh...) and are in prison so you must escape. To be fair they do go some way to explain why this prison has massive spheres of elements between your cell and the xit, but it really is only used for window dressing and to push you on in the puzzles.

Puzzle Variety: As I said in the in my section about challenge, most of these puzzles will just be a veriety of pull lever open door, yes it does break it up with the ocassional jumping puzzle or maze that really makes the game come alive. But for a puzzle game there just isn't enough of a puzzle in it, because once you've wored out the first lever issue you're not going to be troubled by the rest.

Things That Need Improvement:- Challenge of Puzzles
- Puzzle Variety
- The Encrochment of the outside world

Things That Neeed No-Improvement:- The visual design of the spheres

Final Thoughts:As I've said this game is fun to play and it's unique take on the elements makes me hope that more people will take this cue and run with it, but the puuzzle aspect is in serious need of an overhall to avoid the glaring ue of repetition. For now I would say give it a go but you will be well within your rights to just ride the opening monorail for 5 minutes to get a good effect.

Percentage Score:62%

Link:  http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/316462-puzthe-legend-of-ihir-part-1v023there-are-now-checkpoints/

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