Sunday 23 October 2011

Matty2401 - Escape the Prison

*Insert you're own intro nere because I'm not doing it with this map* Escape the Prison

Opening Thought:Original thought does not always seem a necessary notion in Minecrft map creation, every map will have some element already tried somewhere else (No I'm not saying thats a bad thing, many of my favourite maps and even my own aren't the most original). But just because you have some new and wonderful idea doesn't mean it is neccesarilly going to come off well. Heres a case and point.

Visual:I pick on alot of maps for thier lack of visual flair but here I am going to be kind and say how it works here because of the... pacing of the map. We don't really have a chance to take much stock of the rooms, so the colour schemes never really matter.

Challenge:Okay what I'm about to say may not accuratley reflect the score and the reason for that is that I am going to go through some of the challenge here and some in the next section. The challenge is fairly easy in parts, making your my through the prison section and digging through the clay is fairly simple and the jumping section doesn't off much difficulty, but moving through them is still fun.

Length:HOWEVER and this is the biggest however ever, the map is impossible, no I'm sorry this map is physically impossible to finish. I have tried speed running this map with complete knowledge of every puzzle and I only made it about halfway. The premise of this map is that you are only supposed to have 10 minutes to get through the entire thing. There are 2 problems here, the first is that the 10 minute time limit really hampers the map not giving it enough time to leave any lasting impact on the audience. The second is that THE TIME LIMIT IS LONGER THAN IT POSSIBLY TAKES TO FINISH THE DAMN MAP! In fact the only time I managed to finish this is when I cheated and opened all the doors, made a floor to walk on over the lava and got rid of the smashers, and then I only just made it.

Puzzle Variety:The Puzzles are what make the length even worse, the first puzzle in this map is one where we are meant to hant through 10 rooms to find a lever for the door... on a map with a super short time limit? ou can say that it forces repeat play but the problem is the map is so short that it just ends up with the audience playing the same 5 minutes over and over. The next puzzle is a lava jumping puzzle and to be fair this section works pretty well, not annoying us with repetative deaths but not making it too simple.

Things that need Improvement:- length
- length

Things that need No-Improvement:- ... Puzzle Variety?

Final Thoughts:
I don't like to be so negetive in my reviews but I really didn't like this map. Even without the the time limit it's far to short and with not enough puzzles to keep us interested. However if we add back in the time limit we see a terribly flawed premise that brings the whole map down around it. What I would reccomend is either test this map corectly so that it allows people a decent chance of making a few mistakes, not so that it is so short so that no one except cheaters can reach the end (which is just a room made of diamond with the words 'you win').

Percentage Score: 32%


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