I have reviewed a lot of things in my time here, but this is probably the most important review I have made. Here is Enigma Island
Opening ThoughtsI'm going to come out with a completly honest statement here, but the entire puzzle genre of minecraft maps has pretty much stagnated. Whenever I see the words puzzle map I immediatly being to wonder when the jumping section and the maze are going to show up, because aside from those and a few other fun puzzles there is much variety these days. But I know puzzle makers can do better than this, that they want more than simple parkour and mazes... that is why every single puzzle creator needs to play this map, just to see how some intriguing and logical puzzles can be done.
Visual:Spectaclar, every different location had a ew and interesting feel to it that wors really well with the puzzle it is surrounding. This map aslo has the old hub based system based on an island, but despite the small size of the island, every puzzle section manages to have a unique look which makes the island feel bigger than it is.
Challenge:This map is ungoddly hard, and you will probably need hints and helps for each puzzle... which the map provides. Make no mistake this map is difficult, but the reason I give it such a high score is because the hints allow the puzzle to reward the geniuses among you whilst not making it impossible for the rest of us to play.
Length:I am not going to write long on this section and just say this, the map took me an hour and a half and I never ever ever got bored.
Story:The story for this map is awesome, dealing with cloning, the end of the world and the coruption of power... For those of you who played "The Force Unleashed 2" and got unbelievably annnoyed by the infuriating plot, well then right here is how you do a plot like that right. The notes are also done to great effect here, the creator avoids forcing us to read one every single time we run home, they give us the option and weave their existance as a great idea of the collective narrative.
Variety Puzzle:Amazing, I have ever see a map with so many original ideas and brilliant redstone executions. From a logic liar puzzle, to a madness simulator and even a maths puzzle. It is truely the most original and different map that I have played since I started doing these reviews, and I am not saying that other puzzle maps aren't any good, more that this map is so briliantly original that is supersceends it's own genre. If anything this is more of a brain teaser map, requiring you to be good at solving puzzles and brain ticklers than pressing the jump button.
Things that need Improvement:- The sub has two possible solutions with the other one not working.
Things that need No-Improvement:- EVERYTHING ELSE!!
Final Thoughts:This map is my favourite map that I have played whilst doing these reviews, it is original, good looking, well played, har without impossibility and above all else a ton of fun! I sencirely hope that this map inspires more brain teaser style maps because this is an interestingly new genre that really should take off.
Percentage Score: 95%
Link: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/480170-puz-enigma-island-2000-downloads/
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