Tuesday 1 November 2011

TheDenux - Walker's Escape

Listen up, ladies and gentlemen.
A fugitive has been on the run for ninety minutes.
Average foot speed over uneven ground barring injuries is
4 miles per hour and that gives us a radius of six miles.
What I want out of each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every
gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse
and doghouse in that area.
Checkpoints go up at fifteen miles.
Your fugitive's name is Dr. John Walker.
Go stop Walkers Escape.

Opening Thought:I don't really have any opening thought for this review, so I thought I might just ask people to comment with what they did for Halloween? Just a thought.

Visual:I am somewhat torn as to what to say here, the visual style for the most part has very little difference, throwing us into a number of stone and steel room. However everytime I began to grow truely bored with the map I wouold come across a room of glas, or an outdoor area or something else that would make a true difference and this would bring me back into the game. It's almost devious. So while I won't condemmn the map for it, I can;t rate it so highly either.

Challenge:The difficulty of this map seemed to attempt a gradual rise. In that it started easy and then made it to a normal difficulty. I enjoy that the creator has gone for rising difficulty but starting off your puzzles so simple will only leave your audience dis-interested in continuing. However once you get past the first 4 puzzles or so then you should find them chellenge enough for at least some enjoyment.

Length:This map is a fair enough length, aside from a few repeating puzzles (which only save themselves with an increasing difficulty) it doesn't really retred ground however it could profit from being a tad longer and having a true end to the story.

Story:No points here because I just want to pass comment, it sees you have been cpature by Mad Villain 1,254,786,951 and you're trying to escape and then find your family. The only ending I could find was walking into a room and getting a sign saying "you lose"... I'm going to asume that this is a place holder for the rest of the map or I mucked up somewhere and got the bad ending because if this is it then that is the hghest level of lazy I have seen in any map. Again I'm not rating it because I can't be sue, but I'm just saying.

Puzzle Variety:The puzzles here are ... well there are about 4 varieties of them (jump, maze, picture puzzle, and swimming) that all graduley get harder and harder which does keep them interesting enough to make you want to keep playing but there really isn't much variety, and again we just see the easy to make puzzles (jumps and mazes) being tortted out again and again. The gamer aspect of me wants to just enjoy the fun, but in the end the whole thing just feels unoriginal.

Things that Need Improvement:- Colour Variety of the map
- Starting Challenges
- Puzzle Variety
- The Storys End?

Things that need No-Improvement:- The visually distinct parts of the map
- The feeling of fun

Final Thoughts:As I said in my recommendations above this map does have a true sense of fun but I find myself unable to give aan out and out recommendation simply because it does very little new. I could point to at least 3 maps that do the puzzles it touts better (they are currently number either 5 or 6 on my overall rankings) and it feels overall less than complete. But I guess if you just want a somewhat easy puzzle map then you could do worse, consider this a suggestion by comptence, nothing new but nothing really wrong either.

Percentage Score: 70%

Link:  http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/walkers-escape/

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