Play this whilst reading about Dead Islandcraft
Opening Thought:If there are 2 things that I think I may have suggested during this roamp that I call reviewing, that I have a soft place in my heart for Adventure maps, and after 5 maps straight reviewed of puzzles it is nice to return to the land of the adventure map, does tht mean my usual thorouh review style won't be in full force? Of course not, but if you want to know why I'm about to be so nice, it's becase this map does something else that I really enjoy... it does something new.
Visual:If you've played Dead Island then you are no doubt expecting that this map will be covered in wooden huts and the ocassional stone structure, well you would find that your expectations would be twisted around until they are back on the right track. However where as I may be expected to complain on the over-use of wood, here it works as the creator tries to deliver a coherent theme, but also attempts to deliver buildings with different designs to break up the monotemy. If I had to select my favourite building it would be the stronghold, despite it esentially being a big wall with glass it provides a nice difference to the wood huts.
Challenge:Hard, there are a ton of Zombies and other mobs covering the map even on easy you will be forced to run more often then not. Which is a good thing, like the game it is based off you can take one or two mobs on at once, but once you get rushed its time to run and cry in a corner. One thing is that the challenge does rely far too much on night time and if you turn up at one during the day (such a the exploding freighter) then it is a cake work. Possibly making them more indoor focused would fix this.
Length:This is a map you will probably come back to over a number of days. Normally I sit down and can play through maps in a single sitting, but this one (much like a normal game) does tend to wear on you until you want to take a break. Whether that is a bad thing or not I cannot be sure. The map is still fun, jst wearing.
Story:Again I'm sort of torn on how to rate this, basically the story is similar to the dead island one, with you heading around a fun sandy island whilst fighting the undead unti you get to a quest hub and then you run about doing jobs for survivors. All told the story isn't very compelling and the quest are all just a version of run to area A, fight the undead and then run back to gauntless survivor B. But again I still enjoyed it, this map was fun, if not the most compelling it is fun. But just based off the story, and the over abundence of notes I can't really rate it that highly.
Things that need Improvement:- General Story set-up
- Challenge Sections during the Day
Things that need No-Improvement:- Visual set points
- The feeling of Fun
Final Thoughts:As I said in the opening I said a lot of nice things would be said, and for the most part thats been true, but there have been a number of gripes. So how do I maintint thia is a really good map? Well because it's fun and despite its issues you'll still want to push through and finish it. So I reccomend a play, however I will admit that this map is not yet finished, so keep an eye on it because the issues may be addressed.
Percentage Score: 70%
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