Wednesday 16 November 2011

Weekly Update 3 & 4

Hello all, welcome back to another weekly update here at Relin's Thorough Map Reviews. Appologies for my absence but here we are with the weekly bounce. So what maps have been done this week?

1.TheUnnnster - Escape from Hell
2.Odeexs - Ice Survival
3.GoombaGeek - Goombaville
4.Ilforno - Puzzler
5.TheMightyZombie - Dead Island Craft
6.Rex82 - The Stonemason Library
7.Jvample - Physical Strength
8.Cybexx15 - Wierd Survival Island
9.Malkoit - DrownedWorld
10.Protorae - Apple of Eden

1. David Yates and Doctor Who

Next up are the results of the third poll, As I disappeared for the week the resuts are huge, with over 40 votes polled, and here are the results:
Since gaming these days is becoming a less male dominated pass time, are you:
Male - 36
Female - 4
Other - 1

So yhe the results were a tad skewed there... Well thats the wrap up of the week. Keep an eye out for new reviews and vote on the poll.

Relin Out

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